Unfortunately, my ObGyn does not conduct ultrasound procedures in her office. We were anxious to find out the sex of our baby, so we chose to see a 3D/4D specialist in Huntington Beach. The ultrasound is not a diagnostic scan of the baby. The office we visited specializes in 3D and 4D images and video for keepsake purposes.
I sit back on the reclined table, and there is a large machine beside me (the ultrasound and 3D/4D machine). In front of me mounted on the wall is a large flat screen panel television (42" or so) with an image of the familiar ultrasound scan window. As the technician applies a cold gel to my belly, we chit chat about how this is my first ultra-sound scan and that I am quite anxious to know the sex of the baby. She begins to rub the scanner back and forth on my belly and we continue chit chatting. I'm looking up at the arge screen as we are talking and I notice that there are two separate 'blobs' on the screen. I ignore it and guess that it's nothing. The technician continues to rub the scanner around my belly, and says to me, "Well..." (It was that moment I knew something was up)... I replied to her by saying, "SHUT UP!" And she tells me that she see's two baby's in my belly.
Cue emotional crying...
Kevin is video taping the drama on his camera and remains very very quiet. As soon as I am able to load the video online, you can all see for yourself how the drama unfolds...
We are so blesed and are both still in awe of this miraculous event. Twins run in both my mother and fathers family. I have second cousins who are twins... so although I am surprised, I'm not THAT surprised. (But I'm still surprised...)
Mom and Dad are in awe and still can't believe that they will be Granparents to TWINS. Kevin's parents are just as surprised. I am just as surprised and in awe of the whole thing. Knowing that I have a BOY and a GIRL growing inside my belly, I take pause often during my day and thank the universe for such gifts.
The outpouring of support and love from my friends and family is greatly appreciated. I still can't believe that I am having twins... Thank you to everyone who has committed to donating their time, their hand me downs to advice on my pregnancy and labor procedures.
I am scared, anxious and excited to begin this journey of motherhood. I am taking it all day by day and moment by moment.
Low Tide Sunday (taken with a Canon Digital Elf SD400)
Huntington Beach, Ca. Winter months bring exceptionally low tides.
Mochi (taken with a Canon 20D)
Mochi is also made into a New Year's decoration called kagami mochi (鏡餅, kagami mochi), formed from two round cakes of mochi with a bitter orange (橙, daidai) placed on top. The name daidai is supposed to be auspicious since it means "several generations."
Osechi-Ryori (taken with a Canon 20D)
Osechi-ryōri (御節料理 or お節料理) are traditional Japanese New Year foods.
Last Meal of 2008 (taken with an iPhone)
Shin-Sen-Gumi Hakata ramen. My order: Hakata Ramen, extra firm noodle, strong broth, topped with char-siu and spicy miso. An order of gyoza and a seaweed salad accompanied my ramen (gyoza was consumed rapidly prior to this photo being taken).